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Месторабота: Технически университет - Габрово
Длъжност (звание): Хоноруван преподавател, висше училище
Катедра: Електроснабдяване и електрообзавеждане
Публикации (8)

Публикация: №1 Tsankov, P., V. Stefanova, M. Yovchev, I. Stoyanov. Measurement and Analysis of the Spectral Emission of Different Types of Domestic Lamps in the Blue Light Hazard Wavelength Range. Contemporary Materials, XV-1 (2024), pp. 9-18, ISSN 1986-8677
Издателство: Contemporary Materials, XV-1 (2024)
Изд.год.: 2024
Вид: Научна публикация - Статия в чужд. списание
Абстракт: In recent years, research on the photobiological impact of light on humans has been expanding and deepening. A significant part of this research is aimed at harmful effects such as the blue light hazard (BLH) on the retina of the human eye, for which there are standardized indicators in international normative documents. The current research presents laboratory measurements and results for the spectral emission in blue light hazard wavelength range for several domestic lamps: conventional tungsten filament lamps, halogen and metal halide lamps, compact fluorescent lamps, and state-of-the-art LED lamps. The measurements are conducted in a specialised laboratory in the Technological Park of the Technical University - Gabrovo using a photometer with a spectroradiometer in an integrating sphere and are processed with specialised software. Graphical comparisons of the spectral distributions of lamps in the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum with the dangerous blue light wavelength range are shown. Data on the main photometric and colour characteristics - luminous flux, light efficacy, chromaticity coordinates, colour temperature, colour rendering index, and indicators for assessing the presence of dangerous blue light - blue light (weighted power) and blue light hazard factor (weighted power/ lux), for the different types of lamps, are shown in tables. Conclusions and recommendations regarding the choice of the type of domestic lamp and its colour characteristics to limit the level of dangerous blue light are made.
Web: https://doisrpska.nub.rs/index.php/conterporarymaterials3-1/article/view/11022
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Публикация: №2 Yovchev, M., P. Tsankov, I. Stoyanov. Measurement and Analysis of Photometric Characteristics and Efficacy of LED Luminaires for Indoor, Industrial and Street Lighting With and Without an Optical System. Eight Junior Conference on Lighting, Lighting 2023, Sozopol, Bulgaria, 23-21 Sep. 2023. ISBN 979-8-3503-2829-5
Издателство: IEEE, Eight Junior Conference on Lighting (Lighting 2023), Sozopol, Bulgaria
Изд.год.: 2023
Вид: Научна публикация - Доклад от межд. конф. в Б-я
Web: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10299434

Публикация: №3 Tsankov, P., V. Stefanova, M. Yovchev, I. Stoyanov. Measurement and Analysis of the Blue Light Hazard Efficacy of Luminous Radiation of Indoor LED Lamps. Eight Junior Conference on Lighting, Lighting 2023, Sozopol, Bulgaria, 23-21 September 2023. ISBN 979-8-3503-2829-5, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/Lighting59819.2023.10298842.
Издателство: IEEE, Eight Junior Conference on Lighting, Lighting 2023, Sozopol, Bulgaria
Изд.год.: 2023
Вид: Научна публикация - Доклад от межд. конф. в Б-я
Абстракт: Measurement and analysis of the blue light hazard efficacy of luminous radiation of different indoor LED lamps are done in this paper. Measurements of spectral power distribution, photometric, colourimetric parameters and efficacy of 21 tested indoor LED lamps with a CCD spectroradiometer in an integrating sphere in tabular form are presented. Comparison of the spectral dependences of blue light hazard weighting function, measured spectral power distribution and Blue Weighted Watts of the indoor LED lamps studied, having different correlated colour temperature is done. Graphical and defined linear analytical dependence of blue light hazard efficacy of luminous radiation on the correlated colour temperature of the measured indoor LED lamps are done. Conclusions regarding the measured and calculated blue light hazard level control indicators of the tested indoor LED lamps are made.
Web: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10298842

Публикация: №4 Цанков П., И.Стоянов, М.Йовчев, Х. Ибришимов, И.Лазаров. Съвременни лабораторни измервания с гониофотометър и спектрорадиометър с интегрираща сфера в Технически университет - Габрово.Международна научна конференция "Мехатроника еко и енергоспестяващи системи и технологии". Габрово,2023
Издателство: Международна научна конференция "Мехатроника еко и енергоспестяващи системи и технологии".
Изд.год.: 2023
Вид: Научна публикация - Доклад от межд. конф. в Б-я

Публикация: №5 Цанков П., И.Лазаров, И. Стоянов, М. Йовчев, Х.Ибришимов. Мониторинг и изследвания на свързана с електрическата мрежа фотоволтаична електроцентрала в Габрово Тех Парк. Междунарадна научна конференция "Мехатроника, еко и енергоспестяващи системи и технологии". Габрово,2023.
Издателство: Междунарадна научна конференция "Мехатроника, еко и енергоспестяващи системи и технологии"
Изд.год.: 2023
Вид: Научна публикация - Доклад от межд. конф. в Б-я

Публикация: №6 Станев Е., Стоянов И., Анализ на ефекта на засенчването на фотоволтаични панели с покритие от тънък слой кадмиев телурид върху електрическите им характеристики, Международна научна конференция УНИТЕХ’22, 18-19 XI 2022, Габрово, том I, с. 31-35. ISSN: 2603-378X
Издателство: ТУ -Габрово, том I
Изд.год.: 2022
Вид: Научна публикация - Доклад от межд. конф. в Б-я

Публикация: №7 Tsankov, P., Yovchev, M., Stoyanov, I. Comparative Study of the Photometric Characteristics and the Efficiency of a Linear LED Luminaire with Prismatic and Opaque Diffusers. 7th Junior Conference on Lighting, Lighting 2022, Sozopol, Bulgaria, 19-21 September 2022. ISBN 978-166545314-1
Издателство: IEEE, 7th Junior Conference on Lighting (Lighting)
Изд.год.: 2022
Вид: Научна публикация - Доклад от межд. конф. в Б-я

Публикация: №8 Tsankov P., Stanev E., Stoyanov I. Analysis of the Influence of Mechanical Damages of Thin Layer Cadmium Telluride Photovoltaic Panels on Their Electrical Characteristics, IEEE, 6th Junior Conference on Lighting, Lighting 2021, Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-3792-9
Издателство: IEEE, Proceeding of 6th Junior Conference on Lighting, Lighting 2021, Gabrovo, Bulgaria, 2021, doi: 10.1109/Lighting49406.2021.9599001
Изд.год.: 2021
Вид: Научна публикация - Доклад от межд. конф. в Б-я
Абстракт: The paper presents a case study on the impact of mechanical defects, such as cracks and impaired sealing, in frameless solar panels based on a thin layer of cadmium telluride (CdTe). The influence of mechanical damages of several defective CdTe photovoltaic panels on their performance is analysed after measuring their I-V and power characteristics. The results show that small mechanical damages, such as fractures, do not significantly affect the efficiency of the panels before moisture penetrates them.