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Месторабота: Технически университет - Габрово
Длъжност (звание): Асистент, висше училище
Катедра: Компютьрни системи и технологии
Публикации (2)

Публикация: №1 Kilifarev, H., B. Nedev, Software development of a system for microwave speed measurement of moving objects, Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference UNITECH’23, Gabrovo, Bulgaria, 17-18 November 2023, Vol. I, pp. I-291 – I-296, ISSN 1313-230X.
Издателство: Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference UNITECH’23
Изд.год.: 2023
Вид: Научна публикация - Доклад от межд. конф. в Б-я
Абстракт: This paper presents the development of software for a microcontroller from the Arduino platform, controlling the processes in a system for measuring the speed of moving objects using a microwave radar (switch) RCWL-0516. In the scheme of the latter, modifications have been made, through which it becomes possible to derive a digital signal corresponding to the doubled Doppler frequency, which depends on the speed of the moving object in the range of the sensor. The main goals of the software are to automate the processes of measuring and analysing the pulses received by the modified microwave sensor, data processing, visualization and user interface implementation. General algorithms of operation are presented, a suitable Arduino controller is selected according to the defined functionalities and requirements of the measurement system. Results of tests conducted to prove of its operability and functionality of the system are presented.

Публикация: №2 Nedev, B., H. Kilifarev, System for microwave speed measurement of moving objects, Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference UNITECH’23, Gabrovo, Bulgaria, 17-18 November 2023, Vol. I, pp. I-286 – I-290, ISSN 1313-230X.
Издателство: Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference UNITECH’23
Изд.год.: 2023
Вид: Научна публикация - Доклад от межд. конф. в Б-я
Абстракт: This paper presents an approach to measuring the speed of movement of objects using a microwave radar module (switch) RCWL-0516, designed for presence detection. The measurement principle is based on microwave radiation from the module, which is reflected by a moving object located within its range. The reflected waves are received and converted into an electrical signal with a frequency that has a slight change with the so-called Doppler shift, which depends on the speed of the object approaching or receding. This report proposes a modification in the circuit diagram of the microwave module based on the RCWL-9196 integrated circuit. By appropriate post-processing of the output signal from the module, it will be possible to determine the speed of movement of the object. With the modifications made to the RCWL-0516 sensor module, experimental studies can be carried out in the future as proof of its operability and applicability.