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Публикации (7)

Публикация: №1 BAKALOVA, T.; GANEV, N.; KOLARIK, K.; PALA, Z. Surface Residual Stresses Distribution on Hardened Guide Gibs Milled under Various Working Conditions. In: Machine Mechanics, 2010, v. XVIII, 2, pp. 54 – 57. ISSN 0861–9727
Издателство: Machine Mechanics, 2010, v. XVIII, 2
Изд.год.: 2010
Вид: Научна публикация - Статия в бълг. списание
Абстракт: The aim of the paper is to analyse relationships between the parameters of surface integrity of quenched guide gibs mate of steel 15 BDS 12731 (59 – 61 HRC) embedded into a cast iron bed after side milling and the working and cutting conditions. Intention of new optimized working and cutting conditions for milling these dynamically loaded machine parts is quality of machined surface and subsurface layers with eliminating of further finishing, e.g. grinding. Since surface roughness (microgeometry) and hardness are the most frequently analysed features of milled surface layers, residual stresses (RS) are examined rarely. However, in the case of dynamically and contact loaded components, macroscopic residual stresses are surface characteristics that predetermine such attributes like wear, corrosion and fatigue resistance and service life of the parts. Study of the resultant surface integrity parameters of milled gibs was carried out using such experimental techniques as X-ray diffraction sin2ψ method for residual stress determination, harness and roughness measurements.

Публикация: №2 KUZMANOV, T.; BAKALOVA, T.; ANCHEV, A.; GANEV, N. Modelling of Residual Stress Field in External Cylindrical Surfaces after Surface Plastic Deformation. In: Machine Mechanics, 2009, v. IV, 1, pp. 67 – 70, ISSN 1312–8612
Издателство: Machine Mechanics, 2009, v. IV, 1
Изд.год.: 2009
Вид: Научна публикация - Статия в бълг. списание
Абстракт: The residual axial normal macro stresses in external cylindrical surfaces formed by means of method for surface plastic deformation are an object of modeling. Its determination has been carried out experimentally by means of then non destruction method x-ray diffraction. The function of the residual macro-stresses has been obtained on the basis of the Experiment planning.

Публикация: №3 Кузманов Т. В., Бакалова Т. Н., Анчев А. П., Ganev N., Моделиране на полето на остатъчните напрежения във външни цилиндрични повърхнини след ППД, XXXV Национален семинар по Динамика на механични системи, Варна, 8-10 септември, сп. Машиностроене и машинознание, ТУ-Варна, т. 5, кн. 1, В., 2009, с. 67-70.
Издателство: сп. Машиностроене и машинознание, ТУ-Варна
Изд.год.: 2009
Вид: Научна публикация - Статия в бълг. списание

Публикация: №4 GANEV, N.; ZEMAN, P.; KOLARIK, K.; BAKALOVA, T. Residual Stresses Distribution in Surface Layer after Milling of Steel. Manufacturing Technology, December 2007, v. 7, s. 10–15. ISSN 1213248–9
Издателство: Manufacturing Technology, December 2007, v. 7, pp. 10–15
Изд.год.: 2007
Вид: Научна публикация - Статия в чужд. списание

Публикация: №5 KOLARIK, K.; GANEV, N.; ZEMAN, P.; BAKALOVA, T. X-Ray Diffraction Study of Residual Stress Distribution due to Milling of Steels. In: Book of Extedned Abstracts “45th International Conference Experimental Stress Analysis 2007”
Издателство: Book of Extedned Abstracts “45th International Conference Experimental Stress Analysis 2007”
Изд.год.: 2007
Вид: Научна публикация - Доклад от межд.конф. в чужбина
Абстракт: The aim of this paper is to study the depth profiles of macroscopic residual stresses in surface layers of steel samples milled with carbide-tipped tools. The impact of five different ways of cooling during milling was investigated. Oil emulsion, aerosol of air and oil, and cooled and frozen air from a Ranque-Hilsch vortex tube were used as coolants. The state of residual stresses was studied in two directions by means of the X-ray diffraction technique. Considering that the penetration depth of CrKα X-ray radiation in steels is less than 5 μm, electrochemical etching was applied for surface layer removal up to 0.21 mm.

Публикация: №6 GANEV, N.; BAKALOVA, T. Možnosti využití rentgenové tenzometrie při optimalizaci povrchového opracování strojních součástí. In:Sborník p&a
Издателство: In: Sborník příspěvků „Technologie výroby d&am
Изд.год.: 2007
Вид: Научна публикация - Статия в чужд. списание

Публикация: №7 PALA, Z.; BAKALOVA, T.; GANEV, N.; KOLARIK, K. Influence of Cooling During Grinding and Milling on Distributions of Macroscopic Residual Stresses.In: Proceedings of AMTECH´07 International Scientific Conference., 2007
Издателство: In: Proceedings of AMTECH´07– Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
Изд.год.: 2007
Вид: Научна публикация - Доклад от межд. конф. в Б-я
Абстракт: During machining like milling and grinding, the surface of a workpiece is being plastically deformed and friction occurs. Consequently, considerable heat is produced and it should be conducted away in order to lessen the temperature induced damage of the surface. The goal of this paper is to outline a comparison of influence of various coolants on the state of residual stresses on the surface and their distribution into the surface layers of milled and ground steels. Oil emulsion, aerosol of air and oil, and cooled and frozen air from a Ranque-Hilsch vortex tube were used. The state of residual stresses was studied by means of the X-ray diffraction technique, namely by “one tilt” and modified sin2Ψ method. Considering that the penetration depth of CrKα X-ray radiation in steels is approximately 5 μm, electrochemical polishing was applied for surface layer removal in order to obtain residual stress depth profiles.